Paladin award presented to Sir Rich Friedman and Anthony Bonapart
At a recently held Awards Luncheon put on by Centre Lodge #3 KOP of Raleigh, NC. Grand Chancellor Mark Wilson presented awards he newly designed and created for the domain of NC. Those receiving the awards were PGC Sir Rich Friedman KGS and Lodge Secretary Anthony Bonapart. The award entitled the Paladin Award is made up of a certificate explaining the reasons for the award and a pin. The award is based on one created by PGC Sir Rich Friedman, then GC in NJ. in the early 1990`s which he presented, at open meetings, to brothers who often work behind the scenes and others who help work to make the order and world a better place.

The term Paladin is based on the peers of the French King Charlemagne’s Court and was similar to the Knights of the Roundtable in British lore. They were men of high character and service. Today, they represent those whose actions are in keeping with the highest values of our Order.
Brother Friedman was the first Pythian in the domain to receive the Paladin Award. His certificate states the following. ” Rich Friedman of Centre Lodge #3 is recognized for his mentorship of this Grand Chancellor and his love of our order and all that we do. His actions are in keeping with the highest values of our order. He strives for us all to be better men. In Friendship, Charity and Benevolence #001. Signed by the Grand chancellor and Grand Secretary 2024.”

Brother Bonapart`s award states, “Anthony Bonapart of Centre Lodge #3 is recognized for his years of hard work within his lodge and community. Anthony is a fabulous ambassador for, and example of, our organization and what we stand for. His actions are in keeping with the highest values of our order. In Friendship, Charity, and Benevolence #010. Signed by the Grand chancellor and Grand Secretary 2024.”

Brothers Friedman and Bonapart were honored and proud to receive this award.